閿?*! * lhgcore Dialog Plugin v4.2.0 * Date: 2012-04-19 10:55:11 * http://code.google.com/p/lhgdialog/ * Copyright 2009-2012 LiHuiGang */ ;(function( $, window, undefined ){ var _ie6 = window.ActiveXObject && !window.XMLHttpRequest, _fn = function(){}, _count = 0, _rurl = /^url:/, _singleton, onKeyDown, document = window.document, expando = 'JDG' + (+new Date), dialogTpl = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
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', /*! * _path 閼惧嘲褰囩紒鍕閺嶇绺鹃弬鍥︽lhgdialog.js閹碘偓閸︺劎娈戠紒婵嗩嚠鐠侯垰绶 * _args 閼惧嘲褰噇hgdialog.js閺傚洣娆㈤崥搴f畱url閸欏倹鏆熺紒鍕剁礉婵″偊绱發hgdialog.js?self=true&skin=aero娑擃厾娈?閸氬酣娼伴惃鍕敶鐎 */ _args, _path = (function( script, i, me ) { var l = script.length; for( ; i < l; i++ ) { me = !!document.querySelector ? script[i].src : script[i].getAttribute('src',4); if( me.substr(me.lastIndexOf('/')).indexOf('lhgdialog') !== -1 ) break; } me = me.split('?'); _args = me[1]; return me[0].substr( 0, me[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1 ); })(document.getElementsByTagName('script'),0), /*! * 閼惧嘲褰噓rl閸欏倹鏆熼崐鐓庡毐閺 * @param {String} * @return {String||null} * @demo lhgdialog.js?skin=aero | _getArgs('skin') => 'aero' */ _getArgs = function( name ) { if( _args ) { var p = _args.split('&'), i = 0, l = p.length, a; for( ; i < l; i++ ) { a = p[i].split('='); if( name === a[0] ) return a[1]; } } return null; }, /*! 閸欐牜姣婇懖銈嗙壉瀵繐鎮曢敍宀勭帛鐠併倓璐 default */ _skin = _getArgs('skin') || 'default', /*! 閼惧嘲褰 lhgdialog 閸欘垵娉曠痪褑鐨熼悽銊ф畱閺堚偓妤傛ê鐪伴惃 window 鐎电钖勯崪 document 鐎电钖 */ _doc, _top = (function(w) { try{ _doc = w['top'].document; // 鐠恒劌鐓檤閺冪姵娼堥梽 _doc.getElementsByTagName; // chrome 濞村繗顫嶉崳銊︽拱閸︽澘鐣ㄩ崗銊╂閸 }catch(e){ _doc = w.document; return w; }; // 婵″倹鐏夐幐鍥х暰閸欏倹鏆焥elf娑撶皪rue閸掓瑤绗夌捄銊︻攱閺嬭泛鑴婇崙鐚寸礉閹存牔璐熷鍡樼仸闂嗗棗鍨弮鐘崇《閺勫墽銇氱粭顑跨瑏閺傜懓鍘撶槐 if( _getArgs('self') === 'true' || _doc.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length > 0 ) { _doc = w.document; return w; } return w['top']; })(window), _root = _doc.documentElement, _doctype = _doc.compatMode === 'BackCompat'; _$doc = $(_doc), _$top = $(_top), _$html = $(_doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]); /*! 瀵偓閸氱枠E6 CSS閼冲本娅欓崶鍓у缂傛挸鐡 */ try{ _doc.execCommand( 'BackgroundImageCache', false, true ); }catch(e){}; /*! 閸︺劍娓舵い璺虹湴妞ょ敻娼板ǎ璇插閺嶅嘲绱¢弬鍥︽ */ (function(style){ if(!style) { var head = _doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], link = _doc.createElement('link'); link.href = _path + 'skins/' + _skin + '.css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.id = 'lhgdialoglink'; head.insertBefore(link, head.firstChild); } })(_doc.getElementById('lhgdialoglink')); /*! * IE6娑撳┅ixed閺冪姵濮堥崝銊╂饯濮濄垹鐣炬担 * 婵″倹鐏夋担鐘垫畱妞ょ敻娼伴惃鍒猼ml閸忓啰绀岀拋鎯х暰娴滃棜鍎楅弲顖氭禈閻楀洩顕幎濠咁啎缂冾喛鍎楅弲顖氭禈閻楀洨娈慶ss閸愭瑥鍩宐ody閸忓啰绀屾稉 * 婵″倹鐏夋担鐘辩瑝闂団偓鐟曚胶绮嶆禒鍫曟饯濮濄垹鐣炬担宥忕礄娑旂喎姘ㄩ弰顖炴鐏炲繑绮撮崝顭掔礆閹存牗顒濆▓鍏稿敩閻礁濂栭崫宥勭啊娴g姷娈戞い鐢告桨鐢啫鐪崣顖氱殺濮濄倖顔屾禒锝囩垳閸掔娀娅 */ _ie6 && (function(bg){ if( _$html.css(bg) !== 'fixed' ) { _$html.css({ zoom: 1,// 闁灝鍘ら崑璺虹毜閸戣櫣骞嘼ody閼冲本娅欓崶鍓у瀵倸鐖堕惃鍕剰閸 backgroundImage: 'url(about:blank)', backgroundAttachment: 'fixed' }); } })('backgroundAttachment'); /*!----------------------------------娴犮儰绗呮稉绨俬gdialog閺嶇绺炬禒锝囩垳闁劌鍨?---------------------------------*/ var lhgdialog = function( config ) { config = config || {}; var api, setting = lhgdialog.setting; // 閸氬牆鑻熸妯款吇闁板秶鐤 for( var i in setting ) { if( config[i] === undefined ) config[i] = setting[i]; } config.id = config.id || expando + _count; // 婵″倹鐏夌€规矮绠熸禍鍞卍閸欏倹鏆熼崚娆掔箲閸ョ偛鐡ㄩ崷銊︻劃id閻ㄥ嫮鐛ラ崣锝咁嚠鐠 api = lhgdialog.list[config.id]; if(api) return api.zindex().focus(); // 閹稿鎸抽梼鐔峰灙 config.button = config.button || []; config.ok && config.button.push({ id: 'ok', name: config.okVal, callback: config.ok, focus: config.focus }); config.cancel && config.button.push({ id: 'cancel', name: config.cancelVal, callback: config.cancel }); // zIndex閸忋劌鐪柊宥囩枂 lhgdialog.setting.zIndex = config.zIndex; _count++; return lhgdialog.list[config.id] = _singleton ? _singleton._init(config) : new lhgdialog.fn._init( config ); }; lhgdialog.fn = lhgdialog.prototype = { constructor: lhgdialog, _init: function( config ) { var that = this, DOM, content = config.content, isIfr = _rurl.test(content); that.opener = window; that.config = config; that.DOM = DOM = that.DOM || that._getDOM(); that.closed = false; that.data = config.data; // 閸嬪洤顩ч幓鎰仛閹冩禈閺嶅洣璐熼惇鐔肩帛鐠併倓绗夐弰鍓с仛閺堚偓鐏忓繐瀵查崪灞炬付婢堆冨閹稿鎸 if( config.icon && !isIfr ) { config.min = false; config.max = false; DOM.icon[0].style.display = ''; DOM.icon[0].innerHTML = ''; } else DOM.icon[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.wrap.addClass( config.skin ); // 婢舵氨姣婇懖銈呭彙鐎 DOM.rb[0].style.cursor = config.resize ? 'se-resize' : 'auto'; DOM.title[0].style.cursor = config.drag ? 'move' : 'auto'; DOM.max[0].style.display = config.max ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; DOM.min[0].style.display = config.min ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; DOM.close[0].style.display = config.cancel === false ? 'none' : 'inline-block'; //瑜版彿ancel閸欏倹鏆熸稉绡篴lse閺冨爼娈i挊蹇撳彠闂傤厽瀵滈柦 DOM.content[0].style.padding = config.padding; that.button.apply( that, config.button ); that.title( config.title ) .content( content, true, isIfr ) .size( config.width, config.height ) .position( config.left, config.top ) .time( config.time ) [config.show?'show':'hide'](true).zindex(); config.focus && that.focus(); config.lock && that.lock(); that._ie6PngFix()._addEvent(); _singleton = null; // 閸嬪洤顩ч崝鐘烘祰閻ㄥ嫭妲搁崡鏇犲妞ょ敻娼伴惃鍕敶鐎瑰綊銆塩onfig.init閸戣姤鏆熸导姘躬閸愬懎顔愭い闈涘鏉炶棄鐣幋鎰倵閹笛嗩攽閿涘矁绻栭柌灞芥皑娑撳秵澧界悰灞肩啊 if( !isIfr && config.init ) config.init.call( that, window ); return that; }, /** * 閼奉亜鐣炬稊澶嬪瘻闁 * @example button({ name: 'login', callback: function(){}, disabled: false, focus: true }, .., ..) */ button: function() { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, buttons = DOM.buttons[0], focusButton = 'ui_state_highlight', listeners = that._listeners = that._listeners || {}, ags = [].slice.call(arguments), i = 0, item, value, id, isNewButton, button; for( ; i < ags.length; i++ ) { item = ags[i]; value = item.name; id = item.id || value; isNewButton = !listeners[id]; button = !isNewButton ? listeners[id].elem : _doc.createElement('input'); button.type = 'button'; if( !listeners[id] ) listeners[id] = {}; if( value ) button.value = value; if( item.callback ) listeners[id].callback = item.callback; if( item.focus ) { that._focus && that._focus.removeClass(focusButton); that._focus = $(button).addClass(focusButton); that.focus(); } button[expando + 'callback'] = id; button.disabled = !!item.disabled; if( isNewButton ) { listeners[id].elem = button; buttons.appendChild(button); } } buttons.style.display = ags.length ? '' : 'none'; that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /** * 鐠佸墽鐤嗛弽鍥暯 * @param {String, Boolean} 閺嶅洭顣介崘鍛啇. 娑撶alse閸掓瑩娈i挊蹇旂垼妫版ɑ鐖 * @return {this} 婵″倹鐏夐弮鐘插棘閺佹澘鍨潻鏂挎礀鐎电钖勯張顒冮煩 */ title: function( text ) { if( text === undefined ) return this; var DOM = this.DOM, border = DOM.border, title = DOM.title[0]; if( text === false ) { title.style.display = 'none'; title.innerHTML = ''; border.addClass('ui_state_tips'); } else { title.style.display = ''; title.innerHTML = text; border.removeClass('ui_state_tips'); }; return this; }, /*! * 鐠佸墽鐤嗛崘鍛啇 * @param {String} 閸愬懎顔 (婵″倹鐏夐崘鍛啇閸?娑擃亜鐡х粭锔胯礋閳ユΠrl:閳ユ瑥姘ㄩ崝鐘烘祰閸楁洜瀚い鐢告桨閻ㄥ嫬鍞寸€瑰綊銆? * @param {Boolean} 閺勵垰鎯佹稉鍝勬倵婢х偛濮為惃鍕敶鐎 * @param {Boolean} 閺勵垰鎯佹担璺ㄦ暏iframe閺傜懓绱¢崝鐘烘祰閸愬懎顔愭い * @return {this} 婵″倹鐏夐弮鐘插棘閺佹澘鍨潻鏂挎礀鐎电钖勯張顒冮煩 */ content: function( msg, add, frm ) { if( msg === undefined ) return this; var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], width = wrap.offsetWidth, height = wrap.offsetHeight, left = parseInt(wrap.style.left), top = parseInt(wrap.style.top), cssWidth = wrap.style.width, $content = DOM.content, loading = lhgdialog.setting.content; // 閸嬪洤顩ч崘鍛啇娑擃厼澧?娑擃亜鐡х粭锔胯礋'url:'鐏忓崬濮炴潪鐣屾祲鐎电鐭惧鍕畱閸楁洜瀚い鐢告桨閻ㄥ嫬鍞寸€瑰綊銆 if( frm ) { $content[0].innerHTML = loading; that._iframe( msg.split('url:')[1] ); } else $content.html( msg ); // 閺傛澘顤冮崘鍛啇閸氬氦鐨熼弫缈犵秴缂 if( !add ) { width = wrap.offsetWidth - width; height = wrap.offsetHeight - height; left = left - width / 2; top = top - height / 2; wrap.style.left = Math.max(left, 0) + 'px'; wrap.style.top = Math.max(top, 0) + 'px'; if( cssWidth && cssWidth !== 'auto' ) wrap.style.width = wrap.offsetWidth + 'px'; that._autoPositionType(); } that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /** * 鐏忓搫顕 * @param {Number, String} 鐎硅棄瀹 * @param {Number, String} 妤傛ê瀹 */ size: function( width, height ) { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], style = DOM.main[0].style; wrap.style.width = 'auto'; if( typeof width === 'number' ) width = width + 'px'; if( typeof height === 'number' ) height = height + 'px'; style.width = width; style.height = height; if( width !== 'auto' ) // 闂冨弶顒涢張顏勭暰娑斿顔旀惔锔炬畱鐞涖劍鐗搁柆鍥у煂濞村繗顫嶉崳銊ュ礁鏉堢绔熼悾灞煎嚑缂 wrap.style.width = wrap.offsetWidth + 'px'; that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /** * 娴e秶鐤?閻╃顕禍搴″讲鐟欏棗灏崺? * @param {Number, String} * @param {Number, String} */ position: function( left, top ) { var that = this, config = that.config, wrap = that.DOM.wrap[0], style = wrap.style, isFixed = _ie6 ? false : config.fixed, ie6Fixed = _ie6 && config.fixed, docLeft = _$top.scrollLeft(), docTop = _$top.scrollTop(), dl = isFixed ? 0 : docLeft, dt = isFixed ? 0 : docTop, ww = _$top.width(), wh = _$top.height(), ow = wrap.offsetWidth, oh = wrap.offsetHeight; if( left || left === 0 ) { that._left = left.toString().indexOf('%') !== -1 ? left : null; left = that._toNumber(left, ww - ow); if( typeof left === 'number' ) { left = ie6Fixed ? (left += docLeft) : left + dl; left = Math.max(left,dl) + 'px'; } style.left = left; } if( top || top === 0 ) { that._top = top.toString().indexOf('%') !== -1 ? top : null; top = that._toNumber(top, wh - oh); if( typeof top === 'number' ) { top = ie6Fixed ? (top += docTop) : top + dt; top = Math.max(top,dt) + 'px'; } style.top = top; } if( left !== undefined && top !== undefined ) that._autoPositionType(); return that; }, /*! * 鐎规碍妞傞崗鎶芥4 * @param {Number} 閸楁洑缍呮稉铏诡潡, 閺冪姴寮弫鏉垮灟閸嬫粍顒涚拋鈩冩閸 * @param {Function} 閸忔娊妫寸粣妤€褰涢崜宥嗗⒔鐞涘瞼娈戦崶鐐剁殶閸戣姤鏆 */ time: function( second, callback ) { var that = this, timer = that._timer; timer && clearTimeout(timer); callback && callback.call(that); if(second) { that._timer = setTimeout(function(){ that._click('cancel'); }, 1000 * second); } return that; }, /*! 閺勫墽銇氱€电鐦藉 */ show: function( args ) { this.DOM.wrap[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; this.DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_visible'); if( !args && this._lock ) $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc)[0].style.display = ''; return this; }, /*! 闂呮劘妫岀€电鐦藉 */ hide: function( args ) { this.DOM.wrap[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_visible'); if( !args && this._lock ) $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc)[0].style.display = 'none'; return this; }, /*! 缂冾噣銆婄€电鐦藉 */ zindex: function() { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, load = that._load, top = lhgdialog.focus, index = lhgdialog.setting.zIndex++; // 鐠佸墽鐤嗛崣鐘插妤傛ê瀹 DOM.wrap[0].style.zIndex = index; // 鐠佸墽鐤嗛張鈧妯虹湴閻ㄥ嫭鐗卞 top && top.DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_focus'); lhgdialog.focus = that; DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_focus'); // 閹碘晛鐫嶇粣妤€褰涚純顕€銆婇崝鐔诲厴閿涘苯褰ч悽銊ユ躬iframe閺傜懓绱¢崝鐘烘祰閸愬懎顔 // 閹存牞娉曢崺鐔峰鏉炶棄鍞寸€瑰綊銆夐弮鍓佸仯缁愭褰涢崘鍛啇娑撹缍嬮柈銊ュ瀻缂冾噣銆婄粣妤€褰 if( load && load.style.zIndex ) load.style.display = 'none'; if( top && top !== that && top.iframe ) top._load.style.display = ''; return that; }, /*! 鐠佸墽鐤嗛悞锔惧仯 */ focus: function() { try{ elemFocus = this._focus && this._focus[0] || this.DOM.close[0]; elemFocus && elemFocus.focus(); }catch(e){}; return this; }, /*! 闁夸礁鐫 */ lock: function() { var that = this, frm, index = lhgdialog.setting.zIndex - 1, config = that.config, mask = $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc)[0], style = mask ? mask.style : '', positionType = _ie6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; if( !mask ) { frm = ''; mask = _doc.createElement('div'); mask.id = 'ldg_lockmask'; mask.style.cssText = 'position:' + positionType + ';left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;'; style = mask.style; if( _ie6 ) mask.innerHTML = frm; _doc.body.appendChild( mask ); } if( positionType === 'absolute' ) { style.width = _$top.width(); style.height = _$top.height(); style.top = _$top.scrollTop(); style.left = _$top.scrollLeft(); that._setFixed( mask ); } style.zIndex = index; style.display = ''; that.zindex(); that.DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_lock'); that._lock = true; return that; }, /*! 鐟欙綁娅庨柨浣哥潌 */ unlock: function() { var that = this, config = that.config, mask = $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc)[0]; if( mask && that._lock ) { // 閺冪娀妾虹痪褔鏀g仦 if( config.parent && config.parent._lock ) { var index = config.parent.DOM.wrap[0].style.zIndex; mask.style.zIndex = parseInt(index,10) - 1; } else mask.style.display = 'none'; that.DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_lock'); } that._lock = false; return that; }, /*! 閸忔娊妫寸€电鐦藉 */ close: function() { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap, list = lhgdialog.list, fn = that.config.close; that.time(); // 瑜版挷濞囬悽鈺rame閺傜懓绱¢崝鐘烘祰閸愬懎顔愭い鍨閻ㄥ嫬顦╅悶鍡曞敩閻 if( that.iframe ) { if( typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, that.iframe.contentWindow, window) === false ) return that; // 闁插秷顩﹂敍渚€娓剁憰渚€鍣哥純鐢秄rame閸︽澘娼冮敍灞芥儊閸掓瑤绗呭▎鈥冲毉閻滄壆娈戠€电鐦藉鍡楁躬IE6閵?閺冪姵纭堕懕姘卞妽input // IE閸掔娀娅巌frame閸氬函绱漣frame娴犲秶鍔ф导姘辨殌閸︺劌鍞寸€涙ü鑵戦崙铏瑰箛娑撳﹨鍫梻顕€顣介敍宀€鐤嗛幑顣檙c閺勵垱娓剁€硅妲楃憴锝呭枀閻ㄥ嫭鏌熷▔ $(that.iframe).unbind('load',that._fmLoad).attr('src',"javascript:''").remove(); DOM.content.removeClass('ui_state_full'); if( that._frmTimer ) clearTimeout(that._frmTimer); } else { if( typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, window) === false ) return that; } that.unlock(); if( that._maxState ) { _$html.removeClass('ui_lock_scroll'); DOM.res[0].style.display = 'none'; } if( lhgdialog.focus === that ) lhgdialog.focus = null; that._removeEvent(); delete list[that.config.id]; // 缁夊娅嶩TMLElement閹存牠鍣搁悽 if( _singleton ) wrap.remove(); else { _singleton = that; if( that._minState ) { DOM.main[0].style.display = ''; DOM.buttons[0].style.display = ''; DOM.dialog[0].style.width = ''; } DOM.wrap[0].style.cssText = 'left:0;top:0;'; DOM.wrap[0].className = ''; DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_focus'); DOM.title[0].innerHTML = ''; DOM.content.html(''); DOM.icon[0].innerHTML = ''; DOM.buttons[0].innerHTML = ''; that.hide(true)._setAbsolute(); // 濞撳懐鈹栭梽顦歨is.DOM娑斿顦绘稉瀛樻鐎电钖勯敍灞句划婢跺秴鍩岄崚婵嗩潗閻樿埖鈧緤绱濇禒銉ょ┒娴h法鏁ら崡鏇氱伐濡€崇础 for( var i in that ) { if(that.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== 'DOM') delete that[i]; }; } that.closed = true; return that; }, /*! 閺堚偓婢堆冨缁愭褰 */ max: function() { var that = this, maxSize, DOM = that.DOM, wrapStyle = DOM.wrap[0].style, mainStyle = DOM.main[0].style, rbStyle = DOM.rb[0].style, titleStyle = DOM.title[0].style, config = that.config, top = _$top.scrollTop(), left = _$top.scrollLeft(); if( !that._maxState ) { _$html.addClass('ui_lock_scroll'); if( that._minState ) that.min(); // 鐎涙ê鍋嶉張鈧径褍瀵茬粣妤€褰涢崜宥囨畱閻樿埖鈧 that._or = { t: wrapStyle.top, l: wrapStyle.left, w: mainStyle.width, h: mainStyle.height, d: config.drag, r: config.resize, rc: rbStyle.cursor, tc: titleStyle.cursor }; wrapStyle.top = top + 'px'; wrapStyle.left = left + 'px'; maxSize = that._maxSize(); that.size( maxSize.w, maxSize.h )._setAbsolute(); if( _ie6 && _doctype ) wrapStyle.width = _$top.width() + 'px'; config.drag = false; config.resize = false; rbStyle.cursor = 'auto'; titleStyle.cursor = 'auto'; DOM.max[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.res[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; that._maxState = true; } else { _$html.removeClass('ui_lock_scroll'); wrapStyle.top = that._or.t; wrapStyle.left = that._or.l; that.size( that._or.w, that._or.h )._autoPositionType(); config.drag = that._or.d; config.resize = that._or.r; rbStyle.cursor = that._or.rc; titleStyle.cursor = that._or.tc; DOM.res[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.max[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; delete that._or; that._maxState = false; } return that; }, /*! 閺堚偓鐏忓繐瀵茬粣妤€褰 */ min: function() { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, main = DOM.main[0].style, buttons = DOM.buttons[0].style, dialog = DOM.dialog[0].style, rb = DOM.rb[0].style.cursor, resize = that.config.resize; if( !that._minState ) { if( that._maxState ) that.max(); that._minRz = {rzs:resize,btn:buttons.display}; main.display = 'none'; buttons.display = 'none'; dialog.width = main.width; rb.cursor = 'auto'; resize = false; that._minState = true; } else { main.display = ''; buttons.display = that._minRz.btn; dialog.width = ''; resize = that._minRz; rb.cursor = that._minRz.rzs ? 'se-resize' : 'auto'; delete that._minRz; that._minState = false; } that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /*! * 閼惧嘲褰囬幐鍥х暰id閻ㄥ嫮鐛ラ崣锝咁嚠鐠炩剝鍨ㄧ粣妤€褰涙稉鐠眆rame閸旂姾娴囬惃鍕敶鐎瑰綊銆夐惃鍓媔ndow鐎电钖 * @param {String} 閹稿洤鐣鹃惃鍒琩 * @param {String} 閺勵垰鎯佹潻鏂挎礀閻ㄥ嫪璐熼幐鍥х暰id閻ㄥ嫮鐛ラ崣锝咁嚠鐠 * 閻劍鏆熺€?閺夈儴銆冪粈铏规埂閿涘苯顩ч弸婊€绗夐崘娆愬灗閸愭瑥鍙剧€瑰啩璐焒alse * @return {Object|null} */ get: function( id, object ) { if( lhgdialog.list[id] ) { if( object === 1 ) return lhgdialog.list[id]; else return lhgdialog.list[id].content || null; } return null; }, /** * 閸掗攱鏌婇幋鏍儲鏉烆剚瀵氱€规岸銆夐棃 * @param {Object, 閹稿洤鐣炬い鐢告桨閻ㄥ墜indow鐎电钖剗 * @param {String, 鐟曚浇鐑︽潪顒€鍩岄惃鍕€夐棃銏犳勾閸р偓} */ reload: function( win, url, callback ) { win = win || window; try{ win.location.href = url ? url : win.location.href; } catch(e){ // 鐠恒劌鐓 url = this.iframe.src; $(this.iframe).attr('src', url); }; callback && callback.call( this ); return this; }, /*! * 鐠佸墽鐤唅frame閺傜懓绱¢崝鐘烘祰閸愬懎顔愭い */ _iframe: function( url ) { var that = this, iframe, $iframe, iwin, $idoc, $ibody, iWidth, iHeight, $content = that.DOM.content, config = that.config, loading = that._load = $('.ui_loading',$content[0])[0], initCss = 'position:absolute;left:-9999em;border:none 0;background:transparent', loadCss = 'width:100%;height:100%;border:none 0;'; // 閺勵垰鎯侀崗浣筋啅缂傛挸鐡? 姒涙顓籺rue if( config.cache === false ) { var ts = (new Date).getTime(), ret = url.replace(/([?&])_=[^&]*/, '$1_=' + ts ); url = ret + ((ret === url) ? (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + ts : ''); } iframe = that.iframe = _doc.createElement('iframe'); iframe.name = config.id; iframe.style.cssText = initCss; iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', 0, 0); $iframe = $(iframe); $content[0].appendChild( iframe ); // 瀵ゆ儼绻滈崝鐘烘祰iframe閻ㄥ墕rc鐏炵偞鈧嶇礉IE6娑撳绗夊鎯扮箿閸旂姾娴囨导姘毉閻滄澘濮炴潪鍊熺箻鎼达附娼惃鍑歎G that._frmTimer = setTimeout(function(){ $iframe.attr('src', url); }, 1); // iframe娑擃參銆夐棃銏犲鏉炶棄鐣幋鎰倵閹笛嗩攽閻ㄥ嫬鍤遍弫 var load = that._fmLoad = function() { $content.addClass('ui_state_full'); // 婢х偛宸辩粣妤€褰涚純顕€銆婇崝鐔诲厴閿涘frame閺傜懓绱¢崝鐘烘祰閸愬懎顔愰幋鏍硶閸╃喎濮炴潪钘夊敶鐎瑰綊銆夐弮鍓佸仯缁愭褰涢崘鍛啇闁劌鍨庣純顕€銆婄粣妤€褰 // 闁俺绻冩担璺ㄦ暏闁插秶鐤唋oading鐏炲倹娼垫导姗€娉ら惃鍕暚閹存劖顒濋崝鐔诲厴閿涘苯婀猣ocus閺傝纭舵稉顓熸箒濮濄倕濮涢懗鐣屾畱閻╃鍙ф禒锝囩垳 var DOM = that.DOM, ltSize, lt = DOM.lt[0].offsetHeight, main = DOM.main[0].style; loading.style.cssText = 'display:none;position:absolute;background:#FFF;opacity:0;' + 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);z-index:1;width:' + main.width + ';height:' + main.height + ';'; // 濮濄倝鍎撮崚鍡曞敩閻胶绮ㄩ弶鐕傜礉閸︺劍瀚嬮崝銊︽暭閸欐ê銇囩亸蹇曟畱_dragEvent.onmove閺傝纭舵稉顓$箷閺堝顒濋崝鐔诲厴閻ㄥ嫮娴夐崗鍏呭敩閻 try{ iwin = that.content = iframe.contentWindow; // 鐎规矮绠熺粣妤€褰涚€电钖刢ontent鐏炵偞鈧傝礋閸愬懎顔愭い鐢垫畱window鐎电钖 $idoc = $(iwin.document); $ibody = $(iwin.document.body); }catch(e){// 鐠恒劌鐓 iframe.style.cssText = loadCss; return; } // 閼惧嘲褰噄frame閸愬懘鍎寸亸鍝勵嚟 iWidth = config.width === 'auto' ? $idoc.width() + (_ie6 ? 0 : parseInt($ibody.css('marginLeft'))) : config.width; iHeight = config.height === 'auto' ? $idoc.height() : config.height; // 闁倸绨瞚frame鐏忓搫顕 setTimeout(function(){ iframe.style.cssText = loadCss; },0);// setTimeout: 闂冨弶顒汭E6~7鐎电鐦藉鍡樼壉瀵繑瑕嗛弻鎾崇磽鐢 // 缁愭褰涢張鈧径褍瀵查弮鎯扮箹闁插奔绗夐悽銊ュ晙鐠侊紕鐣荤粣妤€褰涢惃鍕槀鐎电鎷版担宥囩枂娴滃棴绱濇俊鍌涚亯閸愬秷顓哥粻妤冪崶閸欙絼绱伴崙铏瑰箛闁挎瑤缍 if( !that._maxState ) { that.size( iWidth, iHeight ) .position( config.left, config.top ); } // 闂堢偠娉曢崺鐔告鏉╂顩︾€电oading鐏炲倿鍣哥拋鎯с亣鐏忓骏绱濈憰浣风瑝鐎硅棄鎷版惔锕傚厴娑?auto' loading.style.width = main.width; loading.style.height = main.height; config.init && config.init.call( that, iwin, _top ); }; // 缂佹垵鐣緄frame閸忓啰绀宎pi鐏炵偞鈧傝礋缁愭褰涢懛顏囬煩鐎电钖勯敍灞芥躬閸愬懎顔愭い鍏歌厬濮濄倕鐫橀幀褍绶㈤柌宥堫洣 that.iframe.api = that; $iframe.bind( 'load', load ); }, /*! 閼惧嘲褰囩粣妤€褰涢崗鍐 */ _getDOM: function() { var wrap = _doc.createElement('div'), body = _doc.body; wrap.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hidden;'; wrap.innerHTML = dialogTpl; var name, i = 0, DOM = { wrap: $(wrap) }, els = wrap.getElementsByTagName('*'), len = els.length; for( ; i < len; i ++ ) { name = els[i].className.split('ui_')[1]; if(name) DOM[name] = $(els[i]); }; body.insertBefore(wrap, body.firstChild); return DOM; }, /*! * px娑?閸楁洑缍呮潪顒佸床閹存劖鏆熼崐 (閻ф儳鍨庡В鏂垮礋娴e秵瀵滈悡褎娓舵径褍鈧吋宕茬粻? * 閸忔湹绮惃鍕礋娴e秷绻戦崶鐐插斧閸 */ _toNumber: function( thisValue, maxValue ) { if( typeof thisValue === 'number' ) return thisValue; if( thisValue.indexOf('%') !== -1 ) thisValue = parseInt(maxValue * thisValue.split('%')[0] / 100); return thisValue; }, /*! 鐠侊紕鐣婚張鈧径褍瀵茬粣妤€褰涢弮鍓佺崶閸欙絿娈戠亸鍝勵嚟 */ _maxSize: function() { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], main = DOM.main[0], maxWidth, maxHeight; maxWidth = _$top.width() - wrap.offsetWidth + main.offsetWidth; maxHeight = _$top.height() - wrap.offsetHeight + main.offsetHeight; return { w: maxWidth, h: maxHeight }; }, /*! 鐠併姡E6 CSS閺€顖涘瘮PNG閼冲本娅 */ _ie6PngFix: function() { if( _ie6 ) { var i = 0, elem, png, pngPath, runtimeStyle, path = lhgdialog.setting.path + '/skins/', list = this.DOM.wrap[0].getElementsByTagName('*'); for( ; i < list.length; i ++ ) { elem = list[i]; png = elem.currentStyle['png']; if( png ) { pngPath = path + png; runtimeStyle = elem.runtimeStyle; runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = 'none'; runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." + "AlphaImageLoader(src='" + pngPath + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; }; } } return this; }, /*! 瀵搫鍩楃憰鍡欐磰IE6娑撳濯洪幒褌娆 */ _ie6SelectFix: _ie6 ? function(){ var $wrap = this.DOM.wrap, wrap = $wrap[0], expando = expando + 'iframeMask', iframe = $wrap[expando], width = wrap.offsetWidth, height = wrap.offsetHeight; width = width + 'px'; height = height + 'px'; if(iframe) { iframe.style.width = width; iframe.style.height = height; }else{ iframe = wrap.appendChild(_doc.createElement('iframe')); $wrap[expando] = iframe; iframe.src = "javascript:''"; iframe.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;z-index:-1;left:0;top:0;' + 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);width:' + width + ';height:' + height; } } : _fn, /*! 閼奉亜濮╅崚鍥ㄥ床鐎规矮缍呯猾璇茬€ */ _autoPositionType: function() { this[this.config.fixed ? '_setFixed' : '_setAbsolute'](); }, /*! 鐠佸墽鐤嗛棃娆愵剾鐎规矮缍 */ _setFixed: function( el ) { var style = el ? el.style : this.DOM.wrap[0].style; if( _ie6 ) { var sLeft = _$top.scrollLeft(), sTop = _$top.scrollTop(), left = parseInt(style.left) - sLeft, top = parseInt(style.top) - sTop, txt = _doctype ? 'this.ownerDocument.body' : 'this.ownerDocument.documentElement'; this._setAbsolute(); style.setExpression( 'left', txt + '.scrollLeft +' + left ); style.setExpression( 'top', txt + '.scrollTop +' + top ); } else style.position = 'fixed'; }, /*! 鐠佸墽鐤嗙紒婵嗩嚠鐎规矮缍 */ _setAbsolute: function() { var style = this.DOM.wrap[0].style; if(_ie6) { style.removeExpression('left'); style.removeExpression('top'); } style.position = 'absolute'; }, /*! 閹稿鎸抽崶鐐剁殶閸戣姤鏆熺憴锕€褰 */ _click: function( name ) { var that = this, fn = that._listeners[name] && that._listeners[name].callback; return typeof fn !== 'function' || fn.call(that, window) !== false ? that.close() : that; }, /*! 闁插秶鐤嗘担宥囩枂娑撳骸鏄傜€ */ _reset: function() { var test = !!window.ActiveXObject, newSize, that = this, tw = _$top.width(), tt = _$top.height(), oldSize = that._winSize || tw * tt, oldWidth = that._lockDocW || tw, left = that._left, top = that._top; if(test) { //IE6娑撳浼勭純鈺併亣鐏忓繑鏁奸崣 if( that._lock && _ie6 ) $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc).css({ width:tw + 'px', height:tt + 17 + 'px' }); newWidth = that._lockDocW = tw; //IE6~7 window.onresize bug newSize = that._winSize = tw * tt; if( oldSize === newSize ) return; }; if( that._maxState ) { var size = that._maxSize(); that.size( size.w, size.h ); } //IE6~8娴兼艾鍤悳鐗堟付婢堆冨鏉╂ê甯崥搴g崶閸欙綁鍣搁弬鏉跨暰娴e稄绱濋柨浣哥暰濠婃艾濮╅弶鈥虫躬IE娑撳姘ㄦ导姘承曢崣鎲唀size娴滃娆UG if( test && Math.abs(oldWidth - newWidth) === 17 ) return; if( left || top ) that.position( left, top ); }, _addEvent: function() { var resizeTimer, that = this, config = that.config, DOM = that.DOM; // 缁愭褰涚拫鍐Ν娴滃娆 that._winResize = function() { resizeTimer && clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { that._reset(); }, 140); }; _$top.bind('resize', that._winResize); // 閻╂垵鎯夐悙鐟板毊 DOM.wrap.bind('click', function(event){ var target = event.target, callbackID; if( target.disabled ) return false; // IE BUG if( target === DOM.close[0] ) { that._click('cancel'); return false; } else if( target === DOM.max[0] || target === DOM.res[0] || target === DOM.max_b[0] || target === DOM.res_b[0] || target === DOM.res_t[0] ) { that.max(); return false; } else if( target === DOM.min[0] || target === DOM.min_b[0] ) { that.min(); return false; } else { callbackID = target[expando + 'callback']; callbackID && that._click(callbackID); } }).bind('mousedown',function(event){ that.zindex(); var target = event.target; if( config.drag !== false && target === DOM.title[0] || config.resize !== false && target === DOM.rb[0] ) { _use(event); return false; } }); // 閸欏苯鍤弽鍥暯閺嶅繑娓舵径褍瀵叉潻妯肩崶閸欙絼绨ㄦ禒 if( config.max ) DOM.title.bind('dblclick',function(){ that.max(); return false; }); }, /*! 閸楁瓕娴囨禍瀣╂娴狅絿鎮 */ _removeEvent: function() { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM; DOM.wrap.unbind(); DOM.title.unbind(); _$top.unbind('resize', that._winResize); } }; lhgdialog.fn._init.prototype = lhgdialog.fn; /*! 濮濄倕顕挒锛勬暏閺夈儱鐡ㄩ崒銊ㄥ箯瀵版鍔嶉悙鍦畱缁愭褰涚€电钖勭€圭偘绶 */ lhgdialog.focus = null; /*! 鐎涙ê鍋嶇粣妤€褰涚€圭偘绶ラ惃鍕嚠鐠炩€冲灙鐞 */ lhgdialog.list = {}; /*! * 閸忋劌鐪箛顐e祹闁 * 閻㈠彉绨捄銊︻攱閺嬭埖妞傛禍瀣╂閺勵垳绮︾€规艾鍩岄張鈧い璺虹湴妞ょ敻娼伴敍灞惧娴犮儱缍嬭ぐ鎾冲妞ょ敻娼伴崡姝屾祰閺冭泛绻€妞ゆ槒顩﹂梽銈囆╁銈勭皑娴 * 閹碘偓娴犮儱绻€妞ょ本nbind濮濄倓绨ㄦ禒鍓佺拨鐎规氨娈戦崙鑺ユ殶閿涘本澧嶆禒銉ㄧ箹闁插矁顩︾紒娆戠拨鐎规氨娈戞禍瀣╂鐎规矮绠熸稉顏勫毐閺 * 鏉╂瑦鐗遍崷銊ョ秼閸撳秹銆夐棃銏犲祻鏉炶姤妞傜亸鍗炲讲娴犮儳些濮濄倓绨ㄦ禒鍓佺拨鐎规氨娈戦惄绋跨安閸戣姤鏆熼敍灞肩瑝閼板奔绗夎ぐ鍗炴惙妞よ泛鐪版い鐢告桨濮濄倓绨ㄦ禒鍓佺拨鐎规氨娈戦崗璺虹暊閸戣姤鏆 */ onKeyDown = function(event) { var target = event.target, api = lhgdialog.focus, keyCode = event.keyCode; if( !api || !api.config.esc || api.config.cancel === false ) return; keyCode === 27 && api._click(api.config.cancelVal); }; _$doc.bind('keydown',onKeyDown); /*! * 濡楀棙鐏︽い鐢告桨閸楁瓕娴囬崜宥呭彠闂傤厽澧嶉張澶屸敍鐡掑﹦娈戠€电鐦藉 * 閸氬本妞傜粔濠氭珟閹锋牕濮╃仦鍌氭嫲闁喚鍍电仦 */ _top != window && $(window).bind('unload',function() { var list = lhgdialog.list; for( var i in list ) { if(list[i]) list[i].close(); } _singleton && _singleton.DOM.wrap.remove(); _$doc.unbind('keydown',onKeyDown); $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc)[0] && $('#ldg_lockmask',_doc).remove(); $('#ldg_dragmask',_doc)[0] && $('#ldg_dragmask',_doc).remove(); }); /*! lhgdialog 閻ㄥ嫬鍙忕仦鈧妯款吇闁板秶鐤 */ lhgdialog.setting = { content: '
', title: '\u89C6\u7A97 ', // 閺嶅洭顣?姒涙顓?鐟欏棛鐛? button: null, // 閼奉亜鐣炬稊澶嬪瘻闁 ok: null, // 绾喖鐣鹃幐澶愭尦閸ョ偠鐨熼崙鑺ユ殶 cancel: null, // 閸欐牗绉烽幐澶愭尦閸ョ偠鐨熼崙鑺ユ殶 init: null, // 鐎电鐦藉鍡楀灥婵瀵查崥搴㈠⒔鐞涘瞼娈戦崙鑺ユ殶 close: null, // 鐎电鐦藉鍡楀彠闂傤厼澧犻幍褑顢戦惃鍕毐閺 okVal: '\u786E\u5B9A', // 绾喖鐣鹃幐澶愭尦閺傚洦婀?姒涙顓?绾喖鐣? cancelVal: '\u53D6\u6D88', // 閸欐牗绉烽幐澶愭尦閺傚洦婀?姒涙顓?閸欐牗绉? skin: '', // 婢舵氨姣婇懖銈呭彙鐎涙﹢顣╅悾娆愬复閸 esc: true, // 閺勵垰鎯侀弨顖涘瘮Esc闁款喖鍙ч梻 show: true, // 閸掓繂顫愰崠鏍ф倵閺勵垰鎯侀弰鍓с仛鐎电鐦藉 width: 'auto', // 閸愬懎顔愮€硅棄瀹 height: 'auto', // 閸愬懎顔愭妯哄 icon: null, // 濞戝牊浼呴崶鐐垼閸氬秶袨 path: _path, // lhgdialog鐠侯垰绶 lock: false, // 閺勵垰鎯侀柨浣哥潌 focus: true, // 缁愭褰涢弰顖氭儊閼奉亜濮╅懢宄板絿閻掞妇鍋 parent: null, // 閹垫挸绱戠€涙劗鐛ラ崣锝囨畱閻栧墎鐛ラ崣锝咁嚠鐠炩槄绱濇稉鏄忣洣閻劋绨径姘湴闁夸礁鐫嗙粣妤€褰 padding: '10px', // 閸愬懎顔愭稉搴ょ珶閻e苯锝為崗鍛扮獩缁 fixed: false, // 閺勵垰鎯侀棃娆愵剾鐎规矮缍 left: '50%', // X鏉炴潙娼楅弽 top: '38.2%', // Y鏉炴潙娼楅弽 max: true, // 閺勵垰鎯侀弰鍓с仛閺堚偓婢堆冨閹稿鎸 min: true, // 閺勵垰鎯侀弰鍓с仛閺堚偓鐏忓繐瀵查幐澶愭尦 zIndex: 1976, // 鐎电鐦藉鍡楀綌閸旂娀鐝惔锕€鈧?闁插秷顩﹂敍姘劃閸婇棿绗夐懗鍊熺Т鏉╁洦绁荤憴鍫濇珤閺堚偓婢堆囨閸? resize: true, // 閺勵垰鎯侀崗浣筋啅閻劍鍩涚拫鍐Ν鐏忓搫顕 drag: true, // 閺勵垰鎯侀崗浣筋啅閻劍鍩涢幏鏍уЗ娴e秶鐤 cache: true, // 閺勵垰鎯佺紓鎾崇摠缁愭褰涢崘鍛啇妞 data: null, // 娴肩娀鈧帒鎮囩粔宥嗘殶閹 extendDrag: false // 婢х偛濮瀕hgdialog閹锋牗瀚挎担鎾荤崣 }; /*! *------------------------------------------------ * 鐎电鐦藉鍡樐侀崸?閹锋牗瀚块弨顖涘瘮閿涘牆褰查柅澶婎樆缂冾喗膩閸ф绱 *------------------------------------------------ */ var _use, _isSetCapture = 'setCapture' in _root, _isLosecapture = 'onlosecapture' in _root; lhgdialog.dragEvent = { onstart: _fn, start: function(event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragEvent; _$doc .bind( 'mousemove', that.move ) .bind( 'mouseup', that.end ); that._sClientX = event.clientX; that._sClientY = event.clientY; that.onstart( event.clientX, event.clientY ); return false; }, onmove: _fn, move: function(event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragEvent; that.onmove( event.clientX - that._sClientX, event.clientY - that._sClientY ); return false; }, onend: _fn, end: function(event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragEvent; _$doc .unbind('mousemove', that.move) .unbind('mouseup', that.end); that.onend( event.clientX, event.clientY ); return false; } }; _use = function(event) { var limit, startWidth, startHeight, startLeft, startTop, isResize, api = lhgdialog.focus, config = api.config, DOM = api.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], title = DOM.title, main = DOM.main[0], _dragEvent = lhgdialog.dragEvent, // 濞撳懘娅庨弬鍥ㄦ拱闁瀚 clsSelect = 'getSelection' in _top ? function(){ _top.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }:function(){ try{_doc.selection.empty();}catch(e){}; }; // 鐎电鐦藉鍡楀櫙婢跺洦瀚嬮崝 _dragEvent.onstart = function( x, y ) { if( isResize ) { startWidth = main.offsetWidth; startHeight = main.offsetHeight; } else { startLeft = wrap.offsetLeft; startTop = wrap.offsetTop; }; _$doc.bind( 'dblclick', _dragEvent.end ); !_ie6 && _isLosecapture ? title.bind('losecapture',_dragEvent.end ) : _$top.bind('blur',_dragEvent.end); _isSetCapture && title[0].setCapture(); DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_drag'); api.focus(); }; // 鐎电鐦藉鍡樺珛閸斻劏绻樼悰灞艰厬 _dragEvent.onmove = function( x, y ) { if( isResize ) { var wrapStyle = wrap.style, style = main.style, width = x + startWidth, height = y + startHeight; wrapStyle.width = 'auto'; config.width = style.width = Math.max(0,width) + 'px'; wrapStyle.width = wrap.offsetWidth + 'px'; config.height = style.height = Math.max(0,height) + 'px'; //api._ie6SelectFix(); // 娴h法鏁oading鐏炲倻鐤嗘い鍓佺崶閸欙絾妞傜粣妤€褰涙径褍鐨弨鐟板綁閻╃绨瞝oading鐏炲倸銇囩亸蹇庣瘍瀵版鏁奸崣 api._load && $(api._load).css({width:style.width, height:style.height}); } else { var style = wrap.style, left = x + startLeft, top = y + startTop; config.left = Math.max( limit.minX, Math.min(limit.maxX,left) ); config.top = Math.max( limit.minY, Math.min(limit.maxY,top) ); style.left = config.left + 'px'; style.top = config.top + 'px'; } clsSelect(); }; // 鐎电鐦藉鍡樺珛閸斻劎绮ㄩ弶 _dragEvent.onend = function( x, y ) { _$doc.unbind('dblclick',_dragEvent.end); !_ie6 && _isLosecapture ? title.unbind('losecapture',_dragEvent.end) : _$top.unbind('blur',_dragEvent.end); _isSetCapture && title[0].releaseCapture(); _ie6 && api._autoPositionType(); DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_drag'); }; isResize = event.target === DOM.rb[0] ? true : false; limit = (function(fixed) { var ow = wrap.offsetWidth, // 閸氭垳绗呴幏鏍уЗ閺冩湹绗夐懗钘夌殺閺嶅洭顣介弽蹇斿珛閸戝搫褰茬憴鍡楀隘閸 oh = title[0].offsetHeight || 20, ww = _$top.width(), wh = _$top.height(), dl = fixed ? 0 : _$top.scrollLeft(), dt = fixed ? 0 : _$top.scrollTop(); // 閸ф劖鐖i張鈧径褍鈧ジ妾洪崚?閸︺劌褰茬憴鍡楀隘閸╃喎鍞? maxX = ww - ow + dl; maxY = wh - oh + dt; return { minX: dl, minY: dt, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY }; })(wrap.style.position === 'fixed'); _dragEvent.start(event); }; /*! * 妞ょ敻娼癉OM閸旂姾娴囩€瑰本鍨氶幍褑顢戦惃鍕敩閻 */ $(function(){ // 鐟欙箑褰傚ù蹇氼潔閸c劑顣╅崗鍫㈢处鐎涙鍎楅弲顖氭禈閻 setTimeout(function() { if(_count) return; lhgdialog({left:'-9999em',time:9,fixed:false,lock:false,focus:false}); },150); // 婢х偛宸眑hgdialog閹锋牗瀚挎担鎾荤崣閿涘牆褰查柅澶婎樆缂冾喗膩閸ф绱濇俊鍌欑瑝闂団偓鐟曚礁褰查崚鐘绘珟閿 // 闂冨弶顒涙Η鐘崇垼閽€钘夊弳iframe鐎佃壈鍤ф稉宥嗙ウ閻e拑绱濈€电绉存径褍顕拠婵囶攱閹锋牕濮╂导妯哄 lhgdialog.setting.extendDrag && (function(dragEvent){ var mask = _doc.createElement('div'), style = mask.style, positionType = _ie6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; mask.id = 'ldg_dragmask'; style.cssText = 'display:none;position:' + positionType + ';left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;' + 'cursor:move;filter:alpha(opacity=0);opacity:0;background:#FFF;pointer-events:none;'; _doc.body.appendChild(mask); dragEvent._start = dragEvent.start; dragEvent._end = dragEvent.end; dragEvent.start = function() { var api = lhgdialog.focus, main = api.DOM.main[0], iframe = api.iframe; dragEvent._start.apply(this, arguments); style.display = 'block'; style.zIndex = lhgdialog.setting.zIndex + 3; if(positionType === 'absolute') { style.width = _$top.width() + 'px'; style.height = _$top.height() + 'px'; style.left = _$doc.scrollLeft() + 'px'; style.top = _$doc.scrollTop() + 'px'; }; if( iframe && main.offsetWidth * main.offsetHeight > 307200 ) main.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }; dragEvent.end = function() { var api = lhgdialog.focus; dragEvent._end.apply(this, arguments); style.display = 'none'; if(api) api.DOM.main[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; }; })(lhgdialog.dragEvent); }); /*! 娴h法鏁Q閺傜懓绱$拫鍐暏缁愭褰 */ $.fn.dialog = function() { var config = arguments; this.bind('click',function(){ lhgdialog.apply(this,config); return false; }); return this; }; window.lhgdialog = $.dialog = lhgdialog; })( this.jQuery || this.lhgcore, this ); /*! *------------------------------------------------ * 鐎电鐦藉鍡楀従鐎瑰啫濮涢懗鑺ュ⒖鐏炴洘膩閸ф绱欓崣顖炩偓澶婎樆缂冾喗膩閸ф绱 *------------------------------------------------ */ ;(function( $, lhgdialog, undefined ){ var _zIndex = function() { return lhgdialog.setting.zIndex; }; /** * 鐠€锕€鎲 * @param {String} 濞戝牊浼呴崘鍛啇 */ lhgdialog.alert = function( content, callback, parent ) { return lhgdialog({ title: '鐠€锕€鎲?, id: 'Alert', zIndex: _zIndex(), icon: 'alert.gif', fixed: true, lock: true, content: content, ok: true, resize: false, close: callback, parent: parent || null }); }; /** * 绾喛顓 * @param {String} 濞戝牊浼呴崘鍛啇 * @param {Function} 绾喖鐣鹃幐澶愭尦閸ョ偠鐨熼崙鑺ユ殶 * @param {Function} 閸欐牗绉烽幐澶愭尦閸ョ偠鐨熼崙鑺ユ殶 */ lhgdialog.confirm = function( content, yes, no, parent ) { return lhgdialog({ title: '绾喛顓?, id: 'confirm.gif', zIndex: _zIndex(), icon: 'confirm.gif', fixed: true, lock: true, content: content, resize: false, parent: parent || null, ok: function(here){ return yes.call(this, here); }, cancel: function(here){ return no && no.call(this, here); } }); }; /** * 閹绘劙妫 * @param {String} 閹绘劙妫堕崘鍛啇 * @param {Function} 閸ョ偠鐨熼崙鑺ユ殶. 閹恒儲鏁归崣鍌涙殶閿涙俺绶崗銉モ偓 * @param {String} 姒涙顓婚崐 */ lhgdialog.prompt = function( content, yes, value, parent ) { value = value || ''; var input; return lhgdialog({ title: '閹绘劙妫?, id: 'Prompt', zIndex: _zIndex(), icon: 'prompt.gif', fixed: true, lock: true, parent: parent || null, content: [ '
', content, '
', '
', '', '
' ].join(''), init: function(){ input = this.DOM.content[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; input.select(); input.focus(); }, ok: function(here){ return yes && yes.call(this, input.value, here); }, cancel: true }); }; /** * 閻厽娈忛幓鎰仛 * @param {String} 閹绘劗銇氶崘鍛啇 * @param {Number} 閺勫墽銇氶弮鍫曟? (姒涙顓?.5缁? * @param {String} 閹绘劗銇氶崶鐐垼 (濞夈劍鍓扮憰浣稿閹碘晛鐫嶉崥? * @param {Function} 閹绘劗銇氶崗鎶芥4閺冭埖澧界悰宀€娈戦崶鐐剁殶閸戣姤鏆 */ lhgdialog.tips = function( content, time, icon, callback ) { var reIcon = icon ? function(){ this.DOM.icon[0].innerHTML = ''; this.DOM.icon[0].style.display = ''; if( callback ) this.config.close = callback; } : function(){ this.DOM.icon[0].style.display = 'none'; if( callback ) this.config.close = callback; }; return lhgdialog({ id: 'Tips', zIndex: _zIndex(), title: false, cancel: false, fixed: true, lock: false, resize: false }) .content(content) .time(time || 1.5, reIcon); }; })( this.jQuery||this.lhgcore, this.lhgdialog );